Brake Pads and Discs

Your car brakes are apparently the most important device your car has in terms of safety. Your car brake, like all other brakes has two major components: the brake pad and the disc.

The discs on your brake is responsible for the transfer of every heat the friction of matching on your brakes generates. However, it is easy for thermal stress to set in, which results in the cracking, warping or rustingĀ  of your brake disc. It is important to change the brake pads of your car regularly to stop them from scarring the surface of your disc, which will reduce your brakes’ overall power.

Luckily, our mechanics provide detailed repair services for your brakes. This brake repair services will include features like brake shoe and disc pad replacement on the back or front wheels of your car, greasing your wheel hubs, changing your calliper pins and getting rid of excessive air from the hydraulics of your car.

We undertake all these examinations and repairs with the highest level of efficiency because your safety matters to us more than anything else, and we can go the extra mile to ensure your brakes are in perfect conditions at all times.

We also advice you to make sure your brakes are inspected by our professional car mechanics at least two times per year for damage signs, such as wear and tear. This will lengthen your car brakes’ lifespan and your car’s overall performance.

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